Sunday, September 7, 2014

One Teacher's Adventures: A Week of Giveaways! 6-12

Sorry I missed blogging about my second and third week of school! Life is totally busy and overwhelming but it's going. It's amazing how my 6th graders are not that much different from primary students. So yeah they have some social norms (still not used) and they don't put EVERYTHING in their mouths... but some do. However I'm fixing issues left and right but this is all about the student and their development. Yeah I have to deal with hormones and attitudes but they're still kids and their basic needs are universal throughout the whole school system.

Stay tuned for more updates from my 6th grade class but for now here is a giveaway for teachers from 6th-12th grade!

One Teacher's Adventures: A Week of Giveaways!: Hello! I have teamed up with Chandra from Powerpoint Gaming in her birthday celebration!  She is hosting 7 different giveaways, all lasti...